The main clinical symptoms of diabetes:

Once diagnosed, the animal needs insulin every 12 hours. Most owners will need to learn how to give insulin to their pet. Your doctor or nursing assistant should clearly and carefully teach you the technique of subcutaneous injections (injections under the skin, not into blood vessels). Some cases require the pet to be hospitalized for a few days for initial conditioning, but most pets can receive injections at home once diagnosed. Injections may seem daunting at first, but most owners are surprised how easy it is to give them at home.
Never change the insulin dose recommended by your doctor. To determine if a dose adjustment is needed (or if a different type of insulin is appropriate), your pet will need a blood glucose profile to monitor blood glucose levels, approximately every 2 to 4 hours for 12 to 24 hours. This test tells the doctor how long the insulin injection is effective, as well as the lowest and highest blood sugar levels throughout the day. Finding your pet's curves is very important. Often at the beginning, it will take several doses and several curves to determine the correct dose.
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