Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is used to inform customers how the Commissary | NPV Non-Profit Veterinary Services Association (hereinafter referred to as the Company) will use any private information you collect on this website. The Company will ensure that all information is kept confidential and will not be made public. If you are required to provide any personal information on the web page, we will do so in accordance with this privacy policy. Our company will change or update policy information from time to time, and you can also check this page regularly. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Personal data collection

The information we may collect is as follows:

  • Name
  • Contact information (including: email address)
  • Demographic information (e.g. zip code, personal interests, etc.)
  • Other information related to customer surveys

How data is processed and used

We need this information to understand your needs and preferences in order to provide better services and more high-quality products.

  • Internal record storage
  • Improve or provide better services
  • We may send you various new products and offers or marketing advertisements about our company to your registered email address from time to time.
  • Market research, satisfaction survey and obtaining feedback. We will contact you by email, phone or mail above

security measures

The Company is committed to ensuring the security and confidentiality of your information. To prevent unauthorized persons from intruding and stealing or leaking your personal information, we have set up appropriate electronic and administrative anti-theft procedures to ensure that all information is collected securely.

How to use cookies

We use cookies (that is, when you enter a website, the website server sends a small amount of information to your computer browser and stores it in the computer hardware) to make your shopping at more convenient. When you enter again, Cookies can identify you and make our services more personal.

We will provide products and services that are more suitable for your needs based on your personal information. Cookies do not allow to track goods to collect other information (except the information provided by members during registration) and do not allow you to identify your personal identity, but they can collect technical information applicable to your use of the Internet.

Most browsers automatically accept Cookies, but you can also choose to refuse to accept our Cookies on your computer, but this may reduce your chances of receiving our company's offers. In summary, Cookies allow us to analyze the information and needs of each customer so that the company can provide a more convenient and complete website platform.

External links to the website

This website may provide links to other websites. These links do not apply to our company's privacy policy, so we will not assume or be responsible for the privacy policy of that website. When registering information on a website, please refer to the website's privacy policy first.

Update your profile

You can restrict the use of your personal data in the following ways

  • When browsing this website, you can choose whether to consent to receive any offers or marketing advertisements
  • If you have previously agreed to receive our company's promotional advertisements, you can cancel your subscription at any time. If you need to cancel, please notify us by email to

We will not provide your personal information to third parties for promotional purposes without your consent (unless required by law). You can also notify us if you would like to receive third-party promotional advertisements and information, or pet information that we think may be of interest to you. If a customer finds that any of the information we hold about you is incorrect or incomplete; please notify us as soon as possible by email to