條款及細則 Terms and Conditions

非牟利獸醫服務協會欣然為會員提供便捷平臺,用於採購動物用品以及獲取最新的獸醫資訊。 這些條款及細則(下稱「條款」),旨在規範您使用本服務的約束性條件。 在下訂單之前,請您務必仔細閱讀本條款。您使用本網站(包括瀏覽)即構成您已閱讀、理解並同意所有條款的內容。如果您對任何條款規定有異議,請勿使用本網站。NPV offers members a convenient platform for purchasing animal supplies and accessing up-to-date veterinary information. These Terms and Conditions ("Terms") establish the governing conditions for your use of this service. Please carefully review these Terms before placing an order. Your use of this website (including browsing) constitutes your acknowledgment that you have read, understood, and agreed to all Terms. If you disagree with any provision of these Terms, please refrain from using the website.

1 釋義 Definitions
1.1 「NPV」或「我們」指稱非牟利獸醫服務協會及/或其提供的服務;“NPV”, “Us”, “Our”, or “We” denotes the Non-Profit Making Veterinary Services Society, Commissary, and/or our service;
1.2 「您」指稱從NPV接收產品或服務的個人和動物的註冊主人;“You” or “Your” refers to the individual receiving products or services from NPV and the registered owner of the animal;
1.3 「內容」包括所有顯示或用於NPV網站上的文本、圖形、標誌、圖像、音頻和其他材料;“Content” encompasses all text, graphics, logos, images, audio, and other materials displayed or used on the NPV website;
1.4 「銷售點」指NPV的診所、醫院、網站及/或鏈接;及“Point of Sale” refers to NPV's clinic, hospital, website, and/or link; and
1.5 「供應商」指稱您通過銷售點訂購的商品賣方。“Supplier” denotes the seller of the goods you order through NPV's point of sale.

2 預訂前須知 Pre-Order Considerations
2.1 為確保您的動物選擇合適的飲食,在下訂單之前,您必須諮詢您的獸醫。 這次諮詢應涵蓋成分組成、物種專用配方、品牌信譽和產品規格等因素;及To ensure appropriate dietary selections for your animal, a consultation with your veterinarian is mandatory prior to placing an order. This discussion should encompass factors such as ingredient composition, species-specific formulations, brand reputation, and product specifications; and
2.2 食用不適合的食物可能會對動物健康造成風險。Consumption of unsuitable food can pose health risks to animals.

3 審核訂單資料 Order Verification
3.1 提交訂單前,您有責任仔細查核所有訂單詳情,包括個人和動物資訊、所選商品、數量、價格準確性以及即時庫存狀況;Meticulous review of all order details is essential before submission. This includes personal and animal information, chosen products, quantities, pricing accuracy, and current inventory status;
3.2 NPV致力提供準確的產品資訊。然而,網絡中斷或不可預見之事情可能導致資訊需要更新。NPV保留糾正任何差異的權利;NPV prioritizes the provision of accurate product information. However, network disruptions or unforeseen circumstances (force majeure) may necessitate corrections. We reserve the right to rectify any discrepancies;
3.3 若您下訂單後供應商調漲價格,NPV將聯繫您確認您是否接受調整後之價格,或協助您取消訂單;In the event of a price increase from the supplier after your order placement, NPV will contact you to confirm your acceptance of the adjusted price or to facilitate order cancellation;
3.4 提交的訂單即視為最終訂單,即使NPV尚未發出確認或拒絕通知,亦不得取消訂單;Submitted orders are considered final and cannot be cancelled, even if our acceptance or rejection notification is pending;
3.5 購物車中的商品並非預留商品,其他顧客可以遵循先到先得原則購買;及Shopping cart items are not reserved and can be purchased by other customers on a first-come, first-served basis; and
3.6 您所訂購的產品僅供指定動物的單獨使用,不得轉售或用於商業用途。NPV保留調查疑似轉售活動的權利。The products you order are intended for the designated animal's personal use and cannot be resold or used for commercial purposes. NPV reserves the right to investigate suspected resale activity.

4 訂購方法 Placing an Order
4.1 所有訂單均應透過NPV指定網站提交,恕不接受門市訂購;All orders must be submitted through the designated NPV website; in-store purchases are not available;
4.2 由NPV指定的部分商品,可能需要獲得獸醫的核准或同意,方可購買;Veterinary approval may be required for certain products designated by NPV;
4.3 NPV保留對特定商品實施限購措施的權利;Purchase limitations may apply to specific items at NPV's sole discretion;
4.4 NPV得因庫存不足、送貨限制或其他原因拒絕或取消訂單;NPV reserves the right to reject or cancel orders due to reasons including insufficient stock availability or delivery limitations;
4.5 訂購之產品僅供個人使用,不得用於商業轉售目的;Orders are strictly for personal use and not for commercial resale purposes;
4.6 NPV採用第三方服務供應商處理在線交易。有關信用卡資訊處理的條款和條件,請參閱該供應商的相關條款 ;及We utilize a third-party payment service provider to facilitate online transactions. Please refer to their terms and conditions regarding credit card information processing; and
4.7 NPV僅接受過去 90 天內由其他獸醫診所或醫院發出的有效處方單;Only prescriptions issued within the past 90 days from external clinics or veterinary hospitals are accepted.

5 送貨條件 Delivery
5.1 NPV委託指定合格之速遞公司執行送貨服務。送貨服務僅限於香港特定地區,且出貨時間僅限於辦公時間 (排除公眾假期及惡劣天氣期間)。偏遠地區、離島及沒有電梯的樓宇可能不在送貨範圍之內。客戶於下訂單之前,應先行查閱NPV的送貨詳情資訊;Deliveries are entrusted to a designated courier service and are restricted to specified areas within Hong Kong during business hours. Public holidays and inclement weather are excluded from delivery schedules. Deliveries may also be excluded to remote areas, outer islands, and buildings without elevator access;
5.2 NPV保留基於自身合理商業判斷拒絕採用速遞送貨的權利;We reserve the right to decline courier delivery at our sole discretion;
5.3 貨品將會送遞至您於結賬時提供的地址。您應確保送貨地址準確無誤,並於送貨時段內安排人員查收。倘若未能成功送達因客戶因素所致,可能導致額外費用或訂單被取消而沒有退款。您於此承擔相關責任及後果;Delivery is made to the address provided at the time of checkout. Failure to accept delivery may result in additional charges or order cancellation without a refund;
5.4 NPV將於確認訂單後盡商業上合理努力安排送貨,惟不擔保送貨的特定時間;及NPV utilizes commercially reasonable efforts to dispatch orders for courier delivery within a reasonable timeframe after acceptance; and
5.5 貨品送遞後,即屬您的所有權,任何損失或損壞的風險均由您承擔。Ownership of the products transfers to you upon delivery. You assume all risk of loss or damage thereafter.

6 退貨及換貨 Returns and Exchanges
6.1 關於退貨、換貨及退款的具體規定,請參閱NPV的「退貨、換貨及退款政策」。Please refer to the separate Returns, Exchanges and Refunds Policy for detailed information.

7 終止服務 Service Termination
7.1 您有權隨時終止使用NPV提供的服務,並要求刪除您的個人資訊。NPV將於收到閣下提交的書面通知之日起三十天內處理相關申請;及You have the right to terminate your use of NPV services and request the deletion of your personal information at any time. NPV will process the request within 30 days of receiving written notification; and
7.2 NPV基於以下正當理由,保留終止向您提供服務及/或刪除您的個人資訊的權利:針對NPV僱員的辱駡性言論、人身攻擊、不合理行為、電話騷擾或違反本條款的任何規定等。NPV reserves the right to terminate service and/or delete your information for the following reasons: abusive language, personal attacks, unreasonable behavior directed towards NPV employees, phone harassment, and/or violation of these Terms of Service.

8 連結至其他網站 Links to Other Websites
8.1 倘本網站提供往其他由本公司的聯屬公司或任何其他第三方營運的網站的連結,該等連結僅為方便您使用,不應視作本公司以任何形式支持批准該等網站的內容。倘您瀏覽該等網站,須自行承擔您的風險,並受有關網站內的適用條款及條件所限。本公司不會就該等網站是否存在,以及當中所載的內容承擔任何責任,且不會就此發表任何聲明、保證或承諾(不論為明示或暗示)。本公司不會就因您使用該等網站而產生的任何損失、損害及其他責任而負責。任何有關該等網站的問題或意見應向該等網站的營運商及/或擁有人反映。If this website provides links to other websites operated by our affiliates or any other third parties, these links are only for your convenience and should not be regarded as our company’s support and approval of such websites in any form. The content of the website. If you visit such websites, you do so at your own risk and are subject to the applicable terms and conditions of the relevant websites. The Company does not assume any responsibility for the existence of such websites and the content contained therein, and does not make any representations, warranties or commitments (whether express or implied) in this regard. The Company will not be responsible for any loss, damage or other liability arising from your use of such websites. Any questions or comments regarding such websites should be directed to the operators and/or owners of such websites.

9 許可使用 Permitted Use
9.1 本網站僅限於合法正當之使用目的。您登入本網站即構成您對條款的理解與同意,並且遵守所有適用於本網站使用之法律法規;This website is intended solely for lawful and legitimate purposes. Your access constitutes your understanding and agreement to comply with all applicable laws and regulations governing its use;
9.2 您明確禁止從事任何危害本網站安全之行為,包括但不限於:未經授權訪問數據或伺服器、掃描或利用安全性漏洞、實施安全性漏洞攻擊、干擾其他用戶的瀏覽體驗等;You are expressly prohibited from engaging in any activity that compromises the security of this website. This includes, but is not limited to, unauthorized access to data or servers, vulnerability scanning or exploitation, security breaches, and interference with the browsing experience of other users;
9.3 倘若您違反本條款或任何適用法律法規,NPV保留永久限制您登入本網站(包括封鎖 IP 地址)之權利。NPV可基於自身合理判斷 ,無需事先通知或提供任何補償即採取上述行動;NPV reserves the right to permanently restrict your access to this website (including IP address blocking) in the event of a violation of these Terms of Use or any applicable laws and regulations. Such action may be taken without prior notice or compensation;
9.4 違反本條款可能導致您承擔民事及/或刑事法律責任。NPV保留自行決定採取法律行動的權利,包括但不限於提起訴訟、向執法機關舉報事件以及向其披露您的身份資訊;及Violations of these Terms may expose you to potential civil and/or criminal liability. NPV reserves the right to pursue legal action at its sole discretion, including, but not limited to, filing lawsuits, reporting the incident to law enforcement authorities, and disclosing your identity to them; and
9.5 請注意所有產品圖片僅供參考用途,實際產品規格可能存在差異。Please note that all product images are provided for informational purposes only. Actual product specifications may vary.

10 會員資訊及賬戶管理 Member Information and Account Management
10.1 NPV的線上會員註冊服務完全免費。成為會員後,您可以享用NPV提供的線上服務以及參與NPV舉辦的相關活動。為確保您能持續享有會員權利,並保障您的合法權益,請務必於個人資訊發生任何變更時及時更新資料;Registration for our online membership service is free of charge. Membership grants access to online services and participation in NPV-sponsored activities. To ensure continued access and protect your rights, please promptly update your information if it changes;
10.2 註冊時,您須提供準確、完整之個人及聯絡資訊。若提供的註冊資訊涉嫌虛假、誤導或冒用他人身份,NPV保留拒絕註冊或暫停/終止您的會員資格(恕不作任何補償)的權利;You are required to provide accurate and complete personal and contact information during registration. NPV reserves the right to deny registration or suspend/terminate your membership (without compensation) if the information provided is suspected to be false, misleading, or impersonates another individual;
10.3 為確保資料安全,建議您切勿與任何人分享電子郵箱地址、密碼、信用卡資料及其他個人資訊,以保障您的安全。倘若您懷疑有人未經授權使用您的資訊,請立即通知NPV。對於因駭客入侵事件或個人疏忽導致的任何資訊洩露,NPV依據本條款之相關規定承擔責任;及The security of your email address, password, credit card information, and other personal data is your responsibility. To safeguard your data security, we recommend not sharing this information with anyone. If you suspect unauthorized use of your information, please notify NPV immediately. NPV is not liable for information obtained through hacking incidents or unauthorized use resulting from your personal negligence; and
10.4 當註冊或訂購時,即表示您保證並聲明:By registering or placing an order, you represent and warrant the following:
10.4.1 您具備訂立具有法律約束力合同的資格,並理解相關的法律後果;You possess the legal capacity to enter into a binding contract and understand the legal consequences of doing so;
10.4.2 您持有NPV認可之銀行所發行的有效信用卡/銀行卡,並且是該賬戶的合法持卡人;及You hold a valid credit/debit card issued by a bank acceptable to NPV and are the authorized cardholder for the account; and
10.4.3 您提供的個人資訊及付款資訊均準確完整,包括但不限於電子郵箱地址、真實姓名、電話號碼、帳單資訊及其他要求提供的詳細資訊。All personal and payment information you provide is accurate and complete (including email address, real name, phone number, billing information, and other requested details).

11 服務條款變更 Term of Service Modifications
11.1 NPV保留單方面隨時修改本條款及其相關服務的全部或部分內容的權利,且該等修改自發佈於NPV網站之日起立即生效。 對於本條款或相關服務的任何修改或撤銷所引起的任何責任,NPV概不承擔,唯獨既有協議所衍生尚未履行的供應承諾除外NPV reserves the unilateral right to modify these Terms of Use and associated services, in whole or in part, at any time. Such revisions shall be effective immediately upon posting on the NPV website. NPV disclaims any liability for modifications or withdrawal of these Terms or related services, with the sole exception of unfulfilled supply obligations arising from pre-existing agreements;
11.2 NPV保留自行決定隨時調整價格和修訂所有條款和條件的權利,恕不另行通知;及NPV reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to adjust pricing and amend all terms and conditions without prior notice; and
11.3 所有產品價格均以結賬時NPV系統顯示的最終確認價格為準。All product prices are subject to final confirmation at the time of checkout.

12 知識產權 Intellectual Property
12.1 本網站所有內容(包括文字、視頻、音效、照片或其他圖像)的著作權由NPV持有,或NPV已取得明確的授權許可得以使用該等內容。未經NPV事先書面許可,任何人士或實體不得出於公開或商業目的擅自使用、複製、翻印、傳播、張貼、發佈、重複使用、再版、修改、存儲於檢索系統、改編創作衍生作品、上傳或散佈本網站內容。上述禁止性規定亦適用於未經NPV事先書面許可而創建指向本網站的超連結行為。允許出於個人非商業目的下載本網站資料,惟須保留資料中包含的所有著作權及所有權公告。NPV holds the copyright for all content on this website (including written text, videos, sound effects, photos, or other images) or possesses the express authorization to use such content. The unauthorized use, copying, reproduction, transmission, posting, publishing, reusing, republishing, modifying, storing in retrieval systems, creating derivative works, uploading, or distributing any website content for public or commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. This prohibition extends to the creation of hyperlinks to this website without NPV's prior written consent. Downloading materials for private, non-commercial use is permitted, provided all copyright and proprietary notices within the materials are retained.

13 免責聲明及責任上限 Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability
13.1 鑒於科技及在線環境屬不可預測,本公司並不保證(不論明示或暗示)本網站的功能、運作或連接能力會不受干預及無誤,亦不保證當中的缺陷會得到修正,或本網站或可供本網站使用的伺服器將無病毒、木馬程式、蠕蟲程式或其他有害成份。您有責任確保您備有合適的設備以正常瀏覽及使用本網站,並排除任何可能損害您電腦的事項。本公司不會就由您使用或未能瀏覽本網站及/或與之有關的任何事項承擔責任。 In view of the unpredictable nature of technology and the online environment, the Company does not guarantee (whether expressly or implicitly) that the functionality, operation or connectivity of this website will be uninterrupted and error-free, that defects therein will be corrected, or that this website or the servers available for use by this website will be free of viruses, Trojan horses, worms or other harmful components. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the appropriate equipment to browse and use this website properly and to exclude anything that may damage your computer. The Company will not be responsible for your use of or inability to browse this website and/or any matters related thereto.
13.2 本網站及其內容「按現狀」提供,您須自行承擔風險,且NPV對本網站及其包含的資訊免除所有擔保(無論明示或默示);This website and its content are provided "as is" and at your own risk, without warranties of any kind. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, NPV disclaims all warranties (express or implied) regarding this website and the information it contains;
13.3 對於因不可抗力事件造成的任何損害,NPV不承擔責任,該等不可抗力事件包括但不限於:自然災害、火災、洪水、事故、暴動、戰爭、恐怖襲擊、政府干預、禁運、示威、勞工糾紛、設備故障(包括互聯網系統故障)或任何超出本協議範圍的事件。NPV僅對其可歸責於己的責任、義務的履行失敗、延遲或違反承擔責任;及NPV shall not be liable for any damages arising from force majeure events, including natural disasters, fires, floods, accidents, riots, wars, terrorist attacks, government intervention, embargoes, demonstrations, labor disputes, equipment failures (including internet system failures), or any events beyond the scope of this agreement. NPV shall only bear liability for any failure, delay, or breach of its responsibilities and obligations directly caused by reasons within its reasonable control; and
13.4 根據適用法律,NPV對於因您使用本網站而引起的所有索償的總體責任上限為港幣壹佰元正。Subject to applicable laws, NPV's total liability for all claims arising from your use of this website is capped at HK$100.

14 您的聲明、保證及承諾 Your Representations, Warranties, and Covenants
14.1 您聲明、保證及承諾,您於NPV購買及使用的產品,將符合所有適用的當地法律法規;You represent, warrant, and covenant that your purchase and use of products on this website will comply with all applicable local regulations;
14.2 您同意不將NPV用於任何欺詐或違反法律法規的目的;You agree to refrain from using this website for any fraudulent or unlawful purpose;
14.3 您同意不利用NPV誹謗、辱駡、騷擾、跟蹤、恐嚇或以其他方式侵犯他人的權利,包括私隱權或名聲;You agree not to use this website to defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten, or otherwise violate the rights of others, including privacy rights or publicity rights;
14.4 您同意不干擾或破壞NPV、其伺服器或用於使其可用的網路的運營。 您進一步同意遵守所有適用的網路要求、程式、政策和法規;You agree not to interfere with or disrupt the operation of this website, its servers, or the networks used to make it available. You further agree to comply with all applicable network requirements, procedures, policies, and regulations;
14.5 您同意不傳送或提供任何可能損壞、干擾或監控任何硬體、軟件或設備的營運或使用的病毒、蠕蟲、木馬程式或其他有害或侵入性電腦代碼;You agree not to transmit or make available any virus, worm, Trojan horse, or other harmful or invasive computer code that may damage, disrupt, or monitor the operation or use of any hardware, software, or equipment;
14.6 您同意不複製、翻版、抄襲、出售、轉售或以任何商業目的利用NPV的任何部分、使用權或訪問權;You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell, or exploit for any commercial purpose any portion of, use of, or access to NPV;
14.7 您同意不修改、改編、翻譯、逆向工程、反編譯或分解NPV的任何部分;You agree not to modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble any portion of NPV;
14.8 未經NPV事先書面同意,您同意不對NPV的任何部分進行框架式連結或鏡像;You agree not to frame or mirror any part of NPV without our prior written consent;
14.9 您同意不通過系統下載和存儲NPV資訊來創建資料庫;及You agree not to create a database by systematically downloading and storing information from NPV; and
14.10 您同意不侵犯NPV的任何著作權、設計權或其他智慧財產權。You agree not to infringe upon any copyright, design right, or intellectual property right of NPV.

15 完整協議 Entire Agreement
15.1 本條款構成您與NPV就您使用本網站所訂立的完整且排他性的協議,取代所有先前或同期的溝通、陳述或協議,無論是口頭的還是書面的。These Terms constitute the complete and exclusive agreement between NPV and you concerning your use of this website and supersede all prior or contemporaneous communications, representations, or agreements, whether oral or written.

16 轉讓 Assignment
16.1 未經NPV事先書面同意,您不得轉讓或委派本條款項下的任何權利或義務。You may not assign or delegate any of your rights or obligations under these Terms without the prior written consent of NPV.

17 豁免 Waiver
17.1 NPV對任何條款的違約不予追究,不應被視為對其後任何違約的豁免權利放棄。NPV的任何豁免權利放棄必須以書面形式作出。NPV's waiver of any breach of these Terms shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach. Any waiver by NPV must be made in writing.

18 可分割性 Severability
18.1 如果本條款的任何條款被裁定為非法、無效或不可強制執行,則該條款應予剔除,其餘條款應繼續保持完整效力。在這種情況下,各方應本誠信原則進行談判,用一個合法有效的條款取代無效或不可強制執行的條款,該條款應最佳實現無效或不可強制執行條款的經濟、法律和商業目標。In the event that any provision of these Terms is held to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, such provision shall be struck and the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. In such event, the parties shall negotiate in good faith to replace the invalid or unenforceable provision with a provision that is valid and enforceable and that best achieves the economic, legal, and commercial objectives of the invalid or unenforceable provision.

19 管轄法律及爭議解決 Governing Law and Dispute Resolution
19.1 本條款應受中華人民共和國香港特別行政區(下稱「香港」)法律管轄並按其解釋。您不可撤銷地同意,香港法院對因本條款引起的或與其相關的任何索償或爭議擁有專屬管轄權。These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China ("Hong Kong"). You irrevocably agree that the courts of the Hong Kong shall have exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate any claim or dispute arising out of or relating to these Terms.

20 私隱政策 Privacy Policy
20.1 NPV優先考慮用戶私隱,並致力於保護個人資訊。位於 https://shop.npv.org.hk/en/pages/privacy-policy的獨立《個人資料(隱私)政策聲明》和《私隱政策》提供了詳細資訊。這些檔案通過引用納入本條款,並構成其不可分割的一部分。NPV prioritizes user privacy and is committed to safeguarding personal information. The separate Personal Data (Privacy) Policy Statement and Privacy Policy, located at https://shop.npv.org.hk/en/pages/privacy-policy, provide detailed information. These documents are incorporated by reference and form an integral part of these Terms.

21 彌償 Indemnification
21.1 您不可撤銷地同意賠償並使NPV、其董事、高級職員、僱員、代理人、承包商、許可方、特許權授予人、特許權受讓人、附屬公司和其他代表免于因您使用本網站或違反本條款而引起的或與其相關的任何和所有索賠、訴訟、要求、損失、責任、成本和費用(包括合理的律師費用)。You irrevocably agree to indemnify and hold harmless NPV, its directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, licensors, franchisors, franchisees, affiliates, and other representatives from and against any and all claims, actions, demands, losses, liabilities, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of or relating to your use of this website or any breach of these Terms.

22 爭議解決 Dispute Resolution
22.1 對於因本條款引起的或與其相關的任何爭議,NPV保留根據本條款作出最終裁決的權利。NPV reserves the right to make the final determination in the event of any dispute arising from or relating to these Terms.

23 聯絡我們 Contact Us
23.1 如有任何查詢,請透過 WhatsApp(+852 6097 0426)或電郵至 shop@npv.org.hk 聯絡NPV。我們將盡力於兩個工作日內處理您的查詢,並盡可能提供及時回復。然而,NPV對於任何延遲或未回覆不承擔任何責任。For inquiries, please contact NPV via WhatsApp at +852 6097 0426 or email us at shop@npv.org.hk. We endeavor to process your inquiries within two business days and provide a prompt response whenever feasible. However, NPV shall not be liable for any delays or non-responses.

24 語言 Language
24.1 本條款提供中文和英文版本。如中英文版本之間有任何歧義,應以英文版本為準。These terms and conditions are available in Chinese and English. Should there be any disputes between the Chinese and English version, the English version shall prevail.